Welcome to the Community Life Group!

List of all Classes / studies here

Evaluate your small group here –  print evaluation PDF

Tips for Facilitating a small group discussion

20 Tips for small Groups

We meet at 9:00am every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall of

Worship with a few of THESE SONGS…(MORE SONGS)




PEOPLE in the Bible… (from each book)

Biblical TIMELINES  —  —  Chronology of the Bible books





people / timeline  –  Exodus people & timeline

Leviticus  –  –  Numbers  –  –  Deuteronomy


Joshua  –  –  Judges  –  –  Ruth  –  (REVIEW QUESTIONS)

-1 & 2 Samuel  –  –  1 &2 Kings  –  – 1 & 2 Chron

CHART of KINGS  –   –   LIST of KINGS  –  –  Review questions

Babylonian Captivity timelines  –  – Temples built and destroyed


Timelines of the prophets  –  –  people of Ezra & Nehemiah

Babylon and Israel Maps –  – Mesopotamian Kings

Maps and Timeline Quiz

Ezra  –  –  Neh  –  –  Esther  –  -Job  –  –  Psalms  –  –  Prov

Ecc  –  –  Song of Sol  –  –  Isa  –  –  Jer  –  –  Lamen  –  –  Ezek

Dan  –  –  Hosea  –  –  Joel  –  -Amos  –  –  Obed  –  –  Jonah

Micah  –  –  Nahum  –  –  Hab  –  -Zeph –  –  Hagg  –  Zach  –  Mal


66 Books 1 page each


Jews vs Christian beliefs  / from old to new testament Theology

book of Matthew   –   –   New Test MAP

Matt  (match names) (Match part 2) –  Mark  / Mark part 2– 

Luke 1  –  Luke match 2  –  Luke match 3  –  John  – 

Map of the Gospels / Jesus time  –  –  match up places

Chronological events  –  parables  –  miracles 

4 Gospels compared



Acts  –  Rom  –  1 & 2 Cor  –  Gal

Eph  –  Phil  –  Col  – 1 & 2 Thess  –  1 & 2 Tim  – Titus  –  Philemon  –  Heb

James  –  1 & 2 Peter  –  1 ,2 & 3 John  – Jude  –  Revelation

Major Bible Characters

List of 100

List (more women) and Quiz

About the Bible  /  Bible Characters

WHO’s WHO in the Bible? search MEN  –  search WOMEN

1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 5b 6a 6b 7a 7b 8a 8b

Adam T F test Kids Abraham kids Daniel kids Elijah Kids Esther kids Isaac Kids JOB Kids Ruth kids shad mesh abidnigo kids The Disciples kids Zacchaeus


How Do Current Events effect the Church?

What does the Bible have to say about it?

When, where, and how do I speak up? or do I?

1 Chron 12:32 – From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take.

Signs of the Times message

Necessary Biblical Conflict…

March 3, PDF

The New York Times

Christian Headlines   –   –   Christianity Today

CBN news  –  –  

Christian Headlines on Facebook

  1. Homosexuality  –  LGBTQ+ timeline
  2. Abortion
  3. World peace / All Religions
  4. Anti Conversion law
  5. Jesus Prayer  in Senate – Islamophobic?

“Mindfulness” Buddhist meditation in public schools




Class Outline –  50 questions



Scripture / overview

3 page plan

Gods will & Revelation

Good, Pleasing, Perfect?

Permissive or Beneficial?

R & L outline

Life’s major questions



Charles Stanley –  –  – PDF

Rick Warren video

RW – choose your future

5 ways to know His will

Rhema or Logos Dr Cho  –  notes

Rhema or Logos devotion application




Quiz 1 – 50 questions

Quiz 1 (PDF)

Hidden will of God?



Sovereign Free Will?

Rick Warren Notes

J Evans notes

A Stanley Book

J Piper notes

Odd things in the Bible – Unique circumstances



Decision Guides

Ravi Z – Gods will

Joyce Meyer (Divine Guidance)

Chuck Swindoll – Gods will  –  (Notes)

John Piper the mind that knows the will

Quiz 2
QUOTES on God’s Will



Moral or Missional Will?

Martina McBride – Gods Will

One minute apologist

Andy S part 1

Andy S part 2

Andy S part 3

Andy S part 4

General Plan vs. Specific Will



Consequences from being outside Gods will

Restoration from Bad choices

Jimmy Evans – Gods will 

A.S video 1

A.S video 2

A.S. video 3

A.S. video 4

Quiz 3



Quiz 4

The 4 WILLS of God E Eggerich



Gods will ebook 28 pages

EBook Summary

Contrast Gods will



Satans will and Our will

Preliminaries before Particulars

Experiencing God



7 realities

Decision Deferment and Discernment




Gods will – skit guys



Discernment – M Youssef

Famous Biblical Choices
C Stanley  –  Discernment PDF God’s Birthmarks  

Class overview / purpose



Class Index

Scripture  –  Definitions

More Definitions

Christians and Emotions

Personality assessment

Emotion Graphics / Slides

Knowing vs feeling in worship

Who and Why study?



6 Emotions = 3 good 3 bad

Jesus’ Emotions in the Bible

The role of emotions in worship

Joyce Meyer 1 PDF

JM Video 2  –  JM video 3

Victim Mentality and Sin

Topical Emotional scriptures



The “make up” of a person

Process and Stages

Jesus heals leper

Steven Furtick 1

SF video 2  –  SF video 3

Fault vs Responsibility WS

Fault vs Resp PDF

EMOTIONAL SINS – – (Outline) –



Emotional Intelligence

Tips to overcoming

Feelings and Emotions booklet

Android and Vulcan Emotions



Pets and sad Emotions

Pets and funny emotions

CBT therapy and sin

 R Warren – (Notes PDF)



how do you feel?

part 1  –  part 2

Other peoples Emotions

H Cloud – PDF

 EHS – Top 10 Symptoms



EHS Assessment

Pete Scazzero Quotes

EHS video 1

EHS video 2  –  video 3

The Problem with EHS



Craig – Masquerade

notes (1)(2) -(3)- (5)

Craig – Baggage

notes (1)(3)– (4)

Bob Newhart therapy in 2 words



TD Jakes (PDF notes)

Spiritual Maturity

& Emotional Health

How to Know if you could be Emotionally Unstable

Spiritual vs Emotional? Signs of Spiritual Maturity

Teachability and self awareness



FEAR  IS  A  LIAR  – music video

Inside Out – Disney film



Inside Out Trailer

BROKEN  TOGETHER  –  music video

7 habits of highly emotionally Intelligent people



Emotions and the brain

JOY – music video



PEACE – music video

 THE  LOVE  OF  GOD  – music video



VOICE of TRUTH – video

 Does God have emotions?



What is EQ?

Attitudes, Beliefs, Actions

How Attitudes effect Emotions



EQ Competency Summary

15 EQ Competencies

Lyrics to “FEAR” – (VIDEO)



Blue October (Hate Me)

Video – HURT  – J Cash

Lyrics PDF

“A  FEELING” – by The Emotions (lyrics)

Hope – music video



Fighting Chance – video

5 emotions

George Castanza – EQ

Insecurity  –  Freedom

Insecurity quiz  –  quiz 2

Self Image assessment

Emotions, Mental Illness, and Spiritual Deliverance Rick Warren –



the church and mental health

TD Jakes



mental illness

Emotions and mental illness



Normal  vs  Illness

12 points

 Ken Lee – the Demoniac



Mental Illness and the Bible

 J Piper-



should Christians take meds?




3 Steps to Deliverance

 Emotional Pathways slides (2)



Henry C – Difficult conversations / conflict

 Why we lose control



of our emotions

notes PDF

Men and Emotions video



Men’s emotions PDF

 Mental Health from the Bible



video  –  PDF

 Sheila Walsh – Depression



video 2 – SW

Teens and Emotions



Teens PDF

Aristotle’s list of Emotions

Author William Backus



What your counselor never told you

Telling Yourself the truth WB

Thespian masks of drama



Vodie Baucham and Mental Illness

Emotional Legacy of Jerry Lewis



Joyce Meyer – Depression

 James MacDonald



“Unstuck” from Depression

“Unstuck” from Fear

Truths for troubled hearts

Truths part 2

Teens emotional /



American Idol

video 1  –  video 2  –  video 3

video 4  –  video 5video 6

video 7  –

cry 1  –  cry 2  –  cry 3  –  cry 4

Emotions – can you trust them?



video 1  –  video 2  –  video 3

Dr James Dobson – PDF

 Henry Cloud video 1



video    –   video

 Does the Devil



fight with our emotions?

 7 sins of emotions



Life and Health – youtube

7 relational sins



Jennifer Jill

Are you Neurotic?

Spiritual Intelligence



Adaptability Quotient

Self awareness and

change from the Bible

Quiz 1  –  PDF



Quiz 2  –  PDF

Quiz 3  –  PDF

Quiz 4  –  PDF



Quiz 5  –  PDF

Quiz 6  –  PDF

Quiz 7  –  PDF



Quiz 8  –  PDF

Quiz 9  –  PDF


Scripture / overview



3 page plan

Charles Stanley



Rick Warren video

RW – choose your future

Quiz 1
Rick Warren Notes Ravi Z – Gods will



Chuck Swindoll – Gods will

Quiz 2
Gods order Jimmy Evans – Gods will  


SUFFERING & DELIVERANCE  –  100 scriptures

overview pdf



INDEX / syllabus

 Dobson book review 1



Dobson book review 2

Ravi Z (the meaning)



When God doesn’t make sense CG – notes PDF

6 Pillars of suffering



Christian Persecution

Persecution Research

 Deliverance  –  Deliver 2  –



Deliver 3  –  Deliver 4

People who suffered, Healed, Delivered in Bible

 Gods sovereignty



Joni at DTS

Delivered From or Through

K Hagin – rebuked prosperity excess

 5 things to know



Rick Warren

Suffer, submit or surrender

 Why Christians suffer



Owning your weakness JET

Joni Story




When God does NOT heal

No arms, no legs, no worries – Nic Vujicic
 David Ring Cerebral Palsy Preacher

Bethany Hamilton – soul surfer

Feelings and Emotions

Feelings and Emotions

(video 1)   (video 2)  (video 3)   (video 4)

print QUIZ questions here


QUIZ #1  –  Quiz #1 – PDF –    –    Quiz #2  –  Quiz #2 PDF

Quiz #3  –  Quiz #3 PDF  –  –     –  Quiz #4  –  Quiz #4 PDF


WISDOM . . .


Charles Stanley 20 min  Rick Warren 3 minutes how we are wired?
How to get wisdom – 2 minutes wisdom from the word – 3 min unique brain function?
Get over yourself Southeast CC



30 minutes



  1. Wisdom from God
  2. Scripture and “How to”
  3. Fools in the Bible
  4. video links
  6. Wisdom – RC Sproul
  7. 10 ways to get wisdom
  8. 10 ways to become a fool
  9. Study on the book of Proverbs
  10. PROVERBS overview / Swindoll & Mcgee

QUIZ   –   print PDF

The FEAR of God…

  1. The Fear of God (notes)
  2. Why we Don’t FEAR God.
  3. Fear of God – video 1
  4. video 2
  5. video 3
  6. video 4
  7. video 5
  8. Good fear, Bad fear
  9. Top 10 fears
  10. Sick world, no reverence, no fear

QUIZ on Fear  –  Quiz PDF



Study Guide 1 (Basic)



Study Guide 2 (S Bowman)

Study Guide 3 (20 pgs)


Who I am in Christ

Renew your mind – Conqueror series



Strongholds –

fill in the blanks

Transformed – Rick W Think Differently PDF



J MacDonald

 Tasha Notes



Barb Notes

Russ Notes

Marshall Notes

RENEW WHAT? (why?)

(How do we think about…)

Renew your mind about offensesOffense and response

3 points  –  funny video

 Pride and self esteem



Sin and Repentance

Repent – JR

Fear and Anxiety



Works and self righteousness

30 Topics of renewal

Bulletin   –   The well


INTRO Video (brainwashing)



Video 1  – a busy mind RM

Video 2  – mind set free JE

Video 3 – Battle for the mind JE

How to renew



Change your mind

Our thought life

“RUTS” in your mind



Renewing & healing pain JM

Think Differently – why so hard? JM

Snake eggs in your head – JF

Battle Strategies – JM



Power of right thinking – JM

Transformed thoughts – RW



Science of the mind – Dr Leaf

Renew – Francis Chan



Renew – J Piper

Renew – C Stanley




Quiz 1 PDF

QUIZ #2 Identity



Quiz #2 PDF

Who I am in Christ


60 Bible references…

BOUNDARIES  scripture (6 pages)

More Boundary Scriptures (7 pages)

Misc slides / quotes

Quiz 1  –  PDF

Quiz 2  –  PDF

Quiz 3 (scripture) (PDF)

Quiz 4 Boundaries / 4 corners    (PDF)

AUDIT your boundaries

Boundaries and Stewardship

Boundaries 40 question evaluation

Cloud video on Boundaries

The Four Corners of the Universe (notes)

The power of the “Other” video (4 corners)

Joyce M bad boundaries video

Boundaries Article

What is a boundary?


Difficult people 4 parts

Dysfunctional Families

Henry Cloud video 1…… 2……….video 3

video 4…….video 5

Townsend video…… 2……… 3

The Entitlement Cure (Saddleback church)


Passive Aggressive Behavior……. Passive Aggressive QUIZ

Pass Aggress quiz 2 PDF –     – take test


We want other people to judge us by our motives not our actions, but we judge others by their actions (not their motives).

Silly reasons for church arguments

Biblical reasons to separate a relationship

What does the Bible say about…

cremation     –      –     breast implants

homosexuality   –   –   gambling

tithing    –        –      –   living together

birth control  –      –    alcohol

horoscopes  –    –      masturbation

suicide   –     –      –    tattoos

Purgatory  –    –       Dinosaurs

Pets in heaven?  –  Backsliding

Raise hands in worship?

The marriage bed?  –  God’s Judgement

Interracial marriage?

Why bad things happen to good people?

PDF – Should Christians Judge?


Never Alone – practice the presence of God (guide)

Practice the presence of God Brother Lawrence

Audio book

Where did God come from?



Ghost by Craig G

The God I never Knew



Discussion video 1   –   DV 2

DV 3   –   DV 4

Class Notes INDEX



Notes: Bible verses on the Holy Spirit

What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?

Holy Spirit Terms / other types

Doctrine of The Holy Spirit

Marshall’s favorite verses on the Holy Spirit

Progressive work, progressive sins

4 Holy Spirit songs



quiz 1

quiz 1 PDF

quiz 2

quiz 2 PDF

Empowered R Morris



Forgotten God F Chan book

Forgotten God 2

Forgotten God 3

F Chan 1

F Chan 2

notes Craig G



Facts, Titles & Works

Forgotten God Notes

Spiritual Gift Categories

The God I never Knew

Sins against the Holy Spirit

quiz 3



quiz 3 PDF

quiz 4

quiz 4 PDF

video J Franklin



video J Bevere

video J Meyer

video J MacDonald

video J Piper

Old Testament Holy Spirit



A. G. notes 1

Tongues – Charisma magazine

3 articles

Symbols of the Holy Spirit

The Spirit and the Glory

quiz 5



quiz 5 PDF

Not in Printed book – “extra credit” Manifestations of the Holy Spirit



9 “Power” Gifts

 Mark Driscol – speaking in tongues



Adoration- song by Mike Adkins

 Dispensation and Cessation



Scriptures on Speaking in Tongues

Quiz # 6



Quiz 6 pdf

Holy Spirit (new)



Sweet Spirit version 1

Holy Spirit thou art welcome

Elvis? quartet, sweet sweet Spirit

 Pentecostal and Charismatic charts



Charismatic groups and movements

R. Bonnke – Baptism H.S. D Prince – Baptism H.S. R Morris – 3 Baptisms
ABC news on tongues J Bevere – tongues R Morris – tongues
Church history – pentecostal history



Spirit World

R Phillips – tongues



Craig – Demon possessed guy


Rebuke Evil / Satan – Scripture

Recognize and Resist the Devil (coming Soon)

The Mercy Prayer    
Preparing to hear from God



Hearing from God Scripture

Quiz 1 print PDF

Video 1



Video 2

Video 3

Quiz 1



Quiz 2 print

3 Hearing God Terms



4 Keys to hearing

5 –

6 Hearing God – R Warren – notes

7 Jentezen Franklin – notes

8 Rick and Brian – notes

9 Robert Morris – notes

Video 4



Video 4B

Video 5

Video 6

Video 7

Video 8

Video 9

Quiz 3 — print



Quiz 4 — print

Quiz 5 — print

Quiz 6 print

Quiz 7 print

Quiz 8print

Quiz 9 — print

Hearing Gods voice



Seeking the Lord

J Meyer video 1



Charles Stanley

 Discerning J Meyer video 2



J Meyer video 3

Hearing God terms #2 quiz print  PDF terms quiz

Oh! give me Samuel’s ear,  –  An open ear, O Lord,  –   Alive and quick to hear
Each whisper of Thy Word;  –  Like him to answer to Thy call  –   And to obey Thee first of all.

Bill Hybels “WHISPER” video 1 quiz 1  –  print
 study guide PDF video 2 quiz 2 – print
BH message at LC part 1



LC part 2

video 3



video 4

quiz 3 – print



quiz 4 – print

past Topical_Bible_

Craig G (WHAT ABOUT THE BIBLE?) ( Quiz )
Chris S (Applying the Bible in our life) ( Quiz 2 )
Sanctification, Holiness   (video 1) QUIZ
QUIZ questions here   (video 2)  
  (video 3)  
Worldliness vs Legalism  (video 1) QUIZ
Facts about Pharisees    (video 2)  
print QUIZ questions here    
Carnal Christians (video 3)   QUIZ
print QUIZ questions here    
Sin and Repentance (video 1) Quiz
 print QUIZ questions here (video 2) Quiz 2
  (video 3)



(video 4)

Pride and Humility  (video 1)  Quiz
 10 People with Pride in the Bible (video 2) Quiz 2
8 Humble people in the Bible (video 3)  
print QUIZ questions here (video 4)  
print second quiz (video 5)  (video 6)
SEEKING, Pursuing God (video 1) (Quiz 1)
QUIZ 1 questions PDF



(print 2 PDF)

(video 2)



(video 3)

(Quiz 2 )



Seeking God / Terms

(video 4) (Quiz 3)
(print 3 PDF)  (video 5)  
HOW TO:   (print 4 PDF)



Seek God  – Prayer  – Worship

2 Prayer Outlines

(video 6) (Quiz 4)


Hindrances to Prayer J Meyer (VIDEO 1) (Quiz 1)
Answers to Prayer F Chan



Crazy Love Prayer F Chan

(Video 2)



(Video 3)

(Quiz 2)
TV Series Answers to Prayer



Prayers in the Bible, from the Bible

(Video 4) (Quiz 3)
36 minute Prayer Outline



The Prayer Bible

(Video 1)



(How to Video)

No Quiz
 IHOP KC live prayer  (Video live feed)  
Prayer and Bible Journal (PB&J) (music video)  
Tabernacle song – “take me in”  4 Realms of Prayer outline (PDF)
The Names of God – worship song  Hear from God – FChan  
Manifesto – Lord’s Prayer song  An Ear to Hear God’s voice -JFranklin  


(“YEARN” music video)…



(“Slay Me” music video)

(video 7)  
Knowing God



J I Packer  (print 5 PDF)

(video 8)  (Quiz 5)
Experiencing God



Blackaby & King  (print # 6 PDF)

(video 9)  (Quiz 6)
Dwelling with God (dwelling video) (Quiz 1)


7. Feelings and Emotions

(video 1)   (video 2)  (video 3)   (video 4)

print QUIZ questions here

8. Boundaries  –  QUIZ

(video 1)    (video 2)   (video 3)

print QUIZ questions here

9. Knowing and Following Gods will

(video 1)  (video 2)  (video 3)

print QUIZ questions here

10. Grace and consequences

print QUIZ questions here

11. Defining Love

print QUIZ questions here

12. Holy Spirit

print QUIZ questions here

13. Perfecting your testimony

print QUIZ questions here

14. Living with purpose

print QUIZ questions here

15. Our Identity in Christ

print QUIZ questions here

16. Major Bible characters

print QUIZ questions here


print QUIZ questions here

18. What is FAITH

print QUIZ questions here

19. Renewing Your Mind

print QUIZ questions here
