4. Read



Berean 1.0 – Leaders Class
Download curriculum for 12 week course here.(65 pages)

12 WEEK OUTLINE – Bulletin

     Assignments, Homework, & Quizzes  (ALL 11 QUIZZES)

Extra Credit 24 pages

1. Orientation  questions PDFonline registration               

2. God’s Call – pages 5-10   (POB)   (QUIZ PDF)

3. Worldview 15 pages  /  (intro quiz) (5 Quizzes)

4. (a) Doctrine pages 16-18 –  (QUIZ PDF)

4. (b) Memorization outline (QUIZ PDF)

5. Religion –  pages 19-23 –  Mainline chart

(QUIZ PDF) (cults and occult PDF)

.  .  . Cult Quick Reference guide

6. Biblical Authoritypages 24-27   (Groeschel) (QUIZ PDF) (2pdf)

7. Spiritual Authority – pages 28,29   (QUIZ PDF)

8. Spiritual Authority  (Appealing) (Power) (T Evans) (B Auth PDF) (Appeal pdf quiz)

9. Evangelism- pages 41-56   NORMAN –   16 Slides  –  – (QUIZ PDF)

10. Prayer – pages 30-38       (QUIZ PDF)

11. Spiritual Gifts.(survey PDF)  (QUIZ PDF) (Gifts survey excel)

12. Missions Report (outline PDF) ( QUIZ PDF)

___ turn in all work   All 11 Berean QUIZZES


BIBLE mini-series (study guide)

EPISODE  Summaries



INDEX & scripture

The TRUTH about the CROSS

The Spirit of TRUTH

The TRUE work of the Holy Spirit

The TRUTH about Suffering

Erosion of Truth – Humanism

week 1

The Truth about Christmas

The difference in the birth of Christ and Christmas

12 parts



The Kingdom of GOD is NEAR

Every person in the kingdom

The Kingdom IS? IS NOT?

The Culture of Heaven

Gods answer to other cultures

Church Cultures

The Way, Gods way, your way?

Positioned in His Kingdom?

Backsliding / Apostasy  –  page 2

backslide in 8 easy steps


Kingdom Authority / The Power of God

The Priesthood of the believer



4 Values for success

Consequence or deliverance?

Ultimate Rescue  /  20 times Jesus said NO

The Enemies of the Cross

3 habits of the heart SF

THE HEART – – 5 weeks, 22 pages

Guard your Heart

How to Have a BIG Heart!

The Broken Heart

Hungry Heart  –  –  Half Hearted


The offense of the Gospel   –   The Bad news

Who YOU are ? In Christ Gods Birthmarks 

GRACE   –   Grace 2

Isolation, Rejection, Community

Walk in Resurrection POWER !

Conviction and Fellowship with the Holy Spirit

Passive aggressive faith

THE CHASM (bulletin)

GENERATION GAP 2021   –   –   gap in perception

Things that change … – … Fundamentalist misbeliefs


Good things to SEPARATE

CONFLICT  –  RESOLUTION  –  from the Bible

18. Major Bible Characters  (QUIZ 81 questions PDF)

19. Dysfunctional Families

___Family by the book


21. Spiritual Maturity

22. What is Sin

23. ForgivenessTerms defined

devotion on forgiveness

24. Feelings and Emotions

25. Stewardship

26. Husbands & Wives

27. Parents & Kids

28. Finances 2300 verses L Burkett

29. Relationship Boundaries


___ Deliverance from Demon Possession

31. Worship

32. End Times

33. Leadership Handbook  –  Handbook part #2

___ Leadership quiz pdf ___ Leaders quiz # 2 pdf


Marshall’s STUDY GUIDES:

Gods Will


Kingdom of Heaven

Family Booklet

Leaders handbook



Dysfunction updated

Fellowship with God2



Church Dynamics

Feelings Booklet



Biblical Worship

 The Attributes of God




Authority and Submission



Personalities and Temperaments

 Spiritual Warfare




 Spiritual Maturity

Message NOTES :


Rights vs Responsibilities  /  bulletin  /  picts

Entitlement and Solutions  /  /  JP Notes

Kingdom of God / BulletinKingdom Valuepicts

Civil Disobedience 1 –  –  Civil Diss Bulletin

Stay Wounded

Grace  /  stories  /  bulletin

Generational Curses and Blessings

Spiritual Makeover  /  makeover bulletin

HEARING from God…

Authority of the Bible – bulletin notes

Scripture on scripture  –  –  Gods word to you

sermon notes – Biblical Authority

The word of God is… / it is not…


Blessing your Home   –   (picts)


opening the door to uninvited guests


Gods Character: (4 Parts)

1.PEACE w God  –  Worldly peace

Picts of slides  –  Alone, Loneliness, Peace

2. Spiritual Authority and power /  authority scripture process of power

fault vs responsibility (self awareness or victim mentality)

3. The person of TRUTH

4. TRUST in God (scripture) (tho you slay me) (EV Hill funeral)

When It’s Hard to TRUST  –  –  When God doesn’t make sense:

(CG)   –  –  (Dr Dobson)


Trending Truth  –  TT bulletin

Biblical Truth

Mission / Purpose 2018  –  Dangerous church 

Safe church  –  Bulletin visionNO Fellowship?

Church membership Bulletin  –  4 views of church

Servant Leadership  –  (Bulletin PDF) (scripture)

What is the Gospel?     (Bulletin PDF)

Emotional Sins  –  (Bulletin PDF)

Most People  –  Opening page —  MP Bulletin

2018 – MISSION  –  Bulletin PDF

The Code  –  Jesus’ Mission vs Our Mission

3 reasons we don’t have a mission

What are you WORTH?  –  Worthless to God?

Value of SIN vs Salvation  –  Bulletin worth

Fun Facts about money

Hyperinflation Zimbabwe

100 trillion?


VISION for 2017


Unity about WHAT ?

Local church Emergency room

Unity 2 page sermon / scripture

Unity   –   Division  –  Unity Defined & church discipline

Church DIVISION Humor

What Unity is NOT… What Merits church discipline?

Unity expectations of leaders

…   …   …

How close do you want to be?

Hands on the plow  –  Bulletin

Missing the Mark —   Bulletin

5 Ingredients to a Godly Life   —   Bulletin

Living with Purpose  —   Bulletin

Rejectionscripture –  Bulletin

___Abandonment / Attachment

___4 Stories of Rejection

___ Rejection Video ___ Resentment video

wimps in ministry?

Leaving a local church – how  –  when  –  why

Vaccine letter