Ancestry.com  –  who are you? who is reaching your people? 

MISSIONS 101  –  UPG’s (unreached people groups) –

Israel  –  – Kosher?  –  –

MISSIONS 201Persecution and Anti Conversion laws

Flag report and Prayer  –  Missions Defined

How selfish churches (and the people) kill missions efforts

The Art of Selfish Living! – – —  Pride-  – Bible Pride

Evangelism and social actionRacism History  –  MESSAGE mb


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Selfishness and Pride, The Mission killer! quiz (PDF)

____Life Group Brochure

 Native American outreach –

The beginning of Christian Errors / Beliefs

Eminent Domain, Dominion theology, & The Doctrine of Discovery

Manifest Destiny

We believe that any outreach ministry from Christians to Indigenous people must begin with Repentance on behalf of us who represent the White European Colonizers. We believe that History proves that this is a “mis-reached” people group. The Gospel was not accurately communicated because of a racist superiority complex, and any modern effort must begin with new trust and genuine personal one on one relationships. Only then can we hope to convince Indigenous people to consider “The Jesus Way”. Not all Native Americans believe the same way or practice the same traditions with the same meanings. Ignorant stereotypes are diminished by open community discussions that lead to learning and mutual respect. 

Native Prayer (Scriptural)  Lord’s Prayer in Cherokee

Core Values for our group   – –  RT – Hope for the Church

TRIBES in OK  / Tribes by Region

  1. Purpose, Strategy, Resources
  2. PRAYER – All Tribes DC – 1987 Official church apology
  3. Population and Churches in Enid
  4. Basic info Stages of Grief (& statistics)
  5. Native Names for GodNative culture and the church
  6. Native ideas and the Bible Questions Native Christians should ask
  7. 7 PropheciesMovies and reviews
  8. Spiritual Implications   –   Superstitions, myths, legends
  9. “Christian” Superstitions / unBiblical traditions
  10. N A Religion and conflict with scriptural Christianity
  11. Research   – part 2 –   Native American church / 1978 Freedom of Religion act
  12. Covenant of Purpose  –  10 Commandments
  13. Local meetings  –  Indian Prayers
  14. 50 points in history The white man’s burden?  –  (CS)
  15. NA Christian books  – NA Pastor article
  16. Collision of Spirituality article
  17.  Sweat Lodge prayers banned by Christians
  18. Gospel of the Redman  –  – Meditation, Dreams, Visions
  19. Why Colonials labeled them “SAVAGE”
  20. Native vs European WORLDVIEWS


WICONI International – Richard Twiss

Indigenous Pathways

NAIITS – learning community website

My People International – T LeBlanc

NAVAJO Brethren in Christ


CHEROKEE Nation.org (Dawes roll – citizenship )

Warriors for Christ

Fire keepers Intl.

. . . More Documents: 

Scale of Passion?   –                      Controversial Similarities

Code of Ethics 1  –                       Code of Ethics 2

Spiritual beliefs / doctrines  –  Compatible and Incompatible beliefs

Dances and Rituals   –                 1839 Cherokee Constitution

General Native American Statistics

5 Civilized Tribes   –                      Roy the Methodist and Cowlitz

  Mother Earth?   –                           Medicine wheel & Reincarnation


Pantheism and Animism  –            Ezekiel’s wheel / Medicine wheel

Shaman and Christian incompatibility  –  – Multiple “spirits” in the Bible

Personal Collection   –   personal contacts

Videos –

  1. Richard Twiss – Invitation to Reconcile
  2. Socialism and the Reservation
  3. Beckah Shae – Heartbeat
  4. Cheryl Bear – Fearless
  5. Rich Mullins – I see you – Navaho
  6. Richard Twiss Interview
  7. Native American Mission PCA
  8. the way we see Native Americans | Matika Wilbur
  9. Billy Graham New Mexico
  10. My People Intl – T Leblanc
  11. Terry Leblanc – journey of Native Christian
  12. Native American Theology – T Leblanc
  13. Cherokee Amazing Grace prayer
  14. Columbus day / Oklahoma / Gov Fallin
  15. 1989 – American Indian Activist Russell Means testifies at Senate Hearing
  16. 7th Generation – Jim Warne
  17. The problem with Christians…
  18. American Indians – Billy Graham
  19. Wounded Knee 17 min
  20. Misc Dances – explained
  21. Spirit Animal – comedy

Other media:

Charlie Hill – Generokee

Bill Miller  – Ghost Dance mp3  –  TRADITIONAL (old school)

Tribe called red – stadium powwow   – Charlie Pride – Kaw liga

Tribe called Red – Blacksnakes   –  Paul revere – Indian reservation

J  Storm –  sacred ground

DJ Shrub – Indomitable  –   Billy Jack – One tin soldier


Peaceful instrumental music (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)...(6)...(7)…(8)(9)

(p11)…(g12)…(s13)…(14)… (bm / ws)…(whitehorse)…(drum)…(runner)

(10 slow drums)…(apache guitar)…(lom guitar)…(15 min peace)…(call to war)

South American Peruvian Inca Pan Flute (Alborada and Leo Rojas)

(Condor Flute 10)... Leo Rojas 1Leo Rojas 2Leo Rojas 3Leo Rojas 4…

Alborada 1Alborada 2Alborada 3Alborada 4

Alborada 5Alborada 6Alborada 7